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Free Girl Games

Did you used to hold a needle and thread?Did you used to hold a needle and thread?
Justin Bieber Concert Dress Up!Justin Bieber Concert Dress Up!
She yearns to look like a supermodel.She yearns to look like a supermodel.
She wants to change completely!She wants to change completely!
A beautiful wardrobe!A beautiful wardrobe!
We all dream to have beautiful eyes!We all dream to have beautiful eyes!
A little trip to China!A little trip to China!
She does not want change!She does not want change!
Monster High Clawdeen WolfMonster High Clawdeen Wolf
Anime School UniformsAnime School Uniforms
It tastes good to her!It tastes good to her!
Where you want to start?Where you want to start?
Papa's CupcakeriaPapa's Cupcakeria
The fairy oceans!The fairy oceans!
Hello Kitty emergency call for a makeover!Hello Kitty emergency call for a makeover!
Small skirts, she loves it!Small skirts, she loves it!
Our friend is a knight!Our friend is a knight!
Good for a ride in town!Good for a ride in town!
Monster High Dress UpMonster High Dress Up
This boy wants to do makeover!This boy wants to do makeover!
A very clever little dog!A very clever little dog!
You okay have fun in this club!You okay have fun in this club!
Chicken Parmesan: Sara's Cooking ClassChicken Parmesan: Sara's Cooking Class
Here is a giant aquarium!Here is a giant aquarium!
This little girl is already very flirtatious!This little girl is already very flirtatious!
Receptionist's Revenge!Receptionist's Revenge!
The pizzas are never tire of it!The pizzas are never tire of it!
I present you the fairy of heaven!I present you the fairy of heaven!
What to wear to change your look?What to wear to change your look?
Today's Top
Fashion SolitaireFashion Solitaire
Devilish StylistDevilish Stylist
My New Room 3My New Room 3
She is really sexy!She is really sexy!
Personal ShopperPersonal Shopper
Papa's CupcakeriaPapa's Cupcakeria
Cake Shop 2Cake Shop 2
Barbie Real HaircutsBarbie Real Haircuts
You'll be able to create your Bratz style!You'll be able to create your Bratz style!
Shopaholic HollywoodShopaholic Hollywood

Free Girl Games on

Here's a collection of free Games for Girls among the most popular of the moment. The theme of Girls Games is particularly popular, and while they were virtually not there four or five years ago, it is now a genuine social phenomenon.

You are a passionate gamer but you don't find free games that you like on the net? With Girl Games, you're on the right page! This games website for girls is made for all girls of your age . Ranked by categories like hair games, makeup, dress up, dancing or kissing games, all these online games are easily playable and free.