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Free Girl Games

The hour of medical history!The hour of medical history!
It is a sacred horse race!It is a sacred horse race!
The treasure box!The treasure box!
A gentle makeup!A gentle makeup!
Our poor friend the fish!Our poor friend the fish!
For you, it will be very simple!For you, it will be very simple!
Welcome to Underworld!Welcome to Underworld!
It's a real team game.It's a real team game.
Holiday with friends, the dream!Holiday with friends, the dream!
I do not want you to meet Garfield, you already knI do not want you to meet Garfield, you already kn
Do not forget the hair!Do not forget the hair!
You'll get a great room!You'll get a great room!
A hearing!A hearing!
Dressing mixed!Dressing mixed!
Of all colors and all shapes!Of all colors and all shapes!
It is a real pin up!It is a real pin up!
Winnie the Pooh is back!Winnie the Pooh is back!
It sparkles with beauty!It sparkles with beauty!
Lovebirds are back!Lovebirds are back!
The stars are all different!The stars are all different!
How beautiful this little dog!How beautiful this little dog!
The short, she likes it!The short, she likes it!
You have enough fun and become a stylist!You have enough fun and become a stylist!
Aladdin's friend!Aladdin's friend!
It's very neat for a boy!It's very neat for a boy!
She loves hats ..She loves hats ..
If you love the bright colors you'll be happyIf you love the bright colors you'll be happy
The Spider Woman is before you!The Spider Woman is before you!
Attention, an angel flies!Attention, an angel flies!
Bart plays with you!Bart plays with you!
Today's Top
Fashion SolitaireFashion Solitaire
Devilish StylistDevilish Stylist
My New Room 3My New Room 3
Personal ShopperPersonal Shopper
You'll be able to create your Bratz style!You'll be able to create your Bratz style!
Cleo de Nile Real HaircutsCleo de Nile Real Haircuts
It is really too small for her age!It is really too small for her age!
Pooh is here to watch!Pooh is here to watch!
Cake Shop 2Cake Shop 2
Shopaholic Beach ModelsShopaholic Beach Models

Free Girl Games on

What a joy to dress to Z by having available a huge dressing room! Games Girl game are free and allow many types of computer activities. These games are categorized daughter and many of them are related with fashion. Try, for example, make up games. Here, the model is very patient and beauty products abound. No risk of waste, just one to spend much time playing, especially as we often new games fun online! So go ahead and enjoy our games for girls online.