My Favorites

Free Girl Games

Bride's Kiss of LoveBride's Kiss of Love
Geek to Chic MakeoverGeek to Chic Makeover
Flirting in the StreetFlirting in the Street
Papa's FreezeriaPapa's Freezeria
Vacation Holiday DressupVacation Holiday Dressup
Gorgeous Elf MakeoverGorgeous Elf Makeover
Devilish StylistDevilish Stylist
Chicken Parmesan: Sara's Cooking ClassChicken Parmesan: Sara's Cooking Class
Fashion Designer World TourFashion Designer World Tour
My Dolphin Show 2My Dolphin Show 2
Justin Bieber Fan RoomJustin Bieber Fan Room
Shopping Spree for PromShopping Spree for Prom
Kpop StarletKpop Starlet
Celebrity PursesCelebrity Purses
Classical CroissantClassical Croissant
My Baby PonyMy Baby Pony
Anime School UniformsAnime School Uniforms
Hairdresser On VacationHairdresser On Vacation
Moms and BooksMoms and Books
Barbie Nails DesignBarbie Nails Design
Dracula CupcakesDracula Cupcakes
Sunny Chic DressupSunny Chic Dressup
Authentic Spanish PaellaAuthentic Spanish Paella
Dance Floor FriendsDance Floor Friends
Draculaura's Dreaming WeddingDraculaura's Dreaming Wedding
Hair QuizHair Quiz
Hero PizzaHero Pizza
Lady Gaga Beauty SecretsLady Gaga Beauty Secrets
Clean Up my LaboratoryClean Up my Laboratory
Fairy Tale ParadiseFairy Tale Paradise
Today's Top
Fashion SolitaireFashion Solitaire
Personal ShopperPersonal Shopper
My New Room 3My New Room 3
Shopaholic HollywoodShopaholic Hollywood
Operate Now: Skin SurgeryOperate Now: Skin Surgery
Barbie Real HaircutsBarbie Real Haircuts
Kitchen Grand PrixKitchen Grand Prix
Sara's Cooking Class: Vanilla Ice CreamSara's Cooking Class: Vanilla Ice Cream
She is really sexy!She is really sexy!
You'll be able to create your Bratz style!You'll be able to create your Bratz style!

Free Girl Games on

Girl Games is a revolution in the world of games and many are those who have already joined! You will find games that were designed for girls and just for them!

Whatever your passion or your desires, there will certainly be a category that you delight more than others.

Anyway, you can if you want surf from one section to another: dress up, makeup, cooking then go dancing! Girl games do not put you any limit. The games are all free and you can spend all day if you want!